Our most basic managed hosting - a la carte support
90% of our users sites happily live on this plan. Fast and affordable!
15GB Available, 10GB Reserved for the System.
This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
90% of our users sites happily live on this plan. Fast and affordable!
15GB Available, 10GB Reserved for the System.
This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
Enough for busy websites or a new eCommerce store
Tailored for Busy E-commerce and Membership sites
For large & complex sites with lots of traffic, easily upgrade to enterprise solutions
Our most basic managed hosting - a la carte support
90% of our users sites happily live on this plan. Fast and affordable!
15GB Available, 10GB Reserved for the System.
This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
90% of our users sites happily live on this plan. Fast and affordable!
15GB Available, 10GB Reserved for the System.
This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
Enough for busy websites or a new eCommerce store
Tailored for Busy E-commerce and Membership sites
For large & complex sites with lots of traffic, easily upgrade to enterprise solutions